3 research outputs found

    Intermediate Wakimoto modules for Affine sl(n+1)

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    We construct certain boson type realizations of affine sl(n+1) that depend on a parameter r. When r=0 we get a Fock space realization of Imaginary Verma modules appearing in the work of the first author and when r=n they are the Wakimoto modules described in the work of Feigin and Frenkel

    Verma type modules of level zero for affine Lie algebras

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    Quantum deformations of imaginary Verma modules

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    We construct quantum deformations of imaginary Verma modules over ( A (1) 1 )and show that, for generic q, imaginary Verma modules over ( A (1) 1 )can be deformed to those over the quantum group ( A (1) 1 )in such a way that the dimensions of the weight spaces are invariant under the deformation. We also prove the PBW theorem for with respect to the triangular decomposition induced from the root partition corresponding to the imaginary Verma modules.supported in part by Basic Science Research Institute Program , Ministry of Education of Korea , BSRI-94-1414 and GARC-KOSEF at Seoul National University , Korea